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Technology - Green Sewage Treatment Plant AD

decentralized Sewage treatment plant
Now days decentralized Sewage treatment plant is becoming a new trend to treat the sewage which gives a significant impacts in terms of initial investment, civil cost, capex and opex etc. This decentralized Sewage Treatment is very much beneficial to areas like residential township project, villas, row houses, small villages where the construction of sewer gradient pipeline and sewage collection chamber is not a economically feasible to construct and execute. There the decentralized STP is the best alternative option where we can make clusters of commodity.
A decentralized STP system is used to collect, treat & discharged or reclaim/reuse the sewage water from an individual commodity/dwelling or a cluster of two or more commodities without the use of the entire centralized sewer system. This decentralize STP system have one more advantage for remote places, where the sewer line connection is not available. Chemtronics provide a customized decentralized Sewage water treatment plant gives treated water up to reclaimed/ reuse quality which gives a severe impact on receiving environment with a very low maintenance and operating hassles.


Addres details

Email : solution@chemtronicsindia.com
Phone : +91-22-4006 9933
Mr. Sunil Shah : +91- 932 123 4527
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